Colleges That Superscore the ACT
Superscore the ACT
What is an ACT superscore?
A superscore is the selection of your best scores. For example, let's say you took the ACT three times and received the following scores:
English 27, Math 28, Reading 29, Science 25 = Composite 27
English 28, Math 31, Reading 28, Science 26 = Composite 28
English 27, Math 30, Reading 28, Science 30 = Composite 30
The colleges listed above would cherry pick your best scores for their super-score:
English 28, Math 31, Reading 29, Science 30 = Composite 30
As you can see, the super-score is better than any one of the tests. The sum of the parts are greater than the whole! And, more good news, obtaining your super-score is easier than ever. Previously, you needed to self-calculate your super-score, then send score reports from each testing date to colleges super-scoring the ACT. Now, ACT provides its own super-score report. Curious what it looks like? Here’s a sneak peek:
ACT Superscore
You’ll notice that the recalculated composite super-score appears along with the individual section scores and dates from which it was generated. Included in your super-score report are all scores from the single test with the highest composite score, and the composite and section scores from the tests used to obtain your super-score. You’ll access your super-score report in the same way you’d find the results from any ACT by logging into your account and accessing your scores. Remember that you’ll only see a superscore after you’ve taken the ACT two or more times.
While there are many schools out there that superscore the SAT, the list of schools that superscore the ACT is much smaller. To aid you in search for information, we have compiled a list (with the help of fellow consultants at IECA) of many of the schools that super-score the ACT. While the list does not cover every single college in the US, it is fairly comprehensive.
Want to learn about the Superscoring the SAT? Check out our blog post on Colleges That Do NOT Superscore the SAT
The ACT Super-score List:
Abilene Christian University (TX)
Adelphi University (NY)
Agnes Scott College (GA)
Albion College (MI)
Albright College (PA)
Alderson Broaddus University (WV)
Allegheny College (PA)
Amherst College (MA)
Antioch College (OH)
Appalachian State University (NC)
Austin College (TX)
Averett University (VA)
Babson College (MA)
Bard College (NY)
Bates College (ME)
Baylor University (TX)
Becker College (MA)
Beloit College (WI)
Bentley University (MA)
Berea College (KY)
Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
Boston College (MA)
Bowdoin College (ME)
Brown University (RI)*
Bryant University (RI)
Bucknell University (PA)
Butler University (IN)
California Institute of Technology
California Polytechnic University at Pomona
California Polytechnic University at San Luis Obispo
California University of Pennsylvania
Central Michigan University
Claremont McKenna College (CA)
Clark University (MA)
Coastal Carolina University (SC)
Colby College (ME)
Colgate University (NY)
College of Charleston (SC)
College of Saint Benedict (MN)
College of the Holy Cross (MA)
College of Wooster (OH)
Colorado State University
Columbia University (NY)
Connecticut College
Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art (NY)
Cornell College (IA)
Culinary Institute of America (NY)
Davidson College (NC)
Delaware Valley University (PA)
Denison University (OH)
DePaul University (IL)
DeSales University (PA)
Dickinson College (PA)
Drexel University (PA)
Duke University (NC)*
Duquesne University (PA)
Earlham College (IN)
Eckerd College (FL)
Elmira College (NY)
Elon University (NC)
Emerson College (MA)
Endicott College (MA)
Eugene Lang College of The New School University (NY)
Fairfield University (CT)
Fashion Institute of Technology (NY)
Flagler College (FL)
Florida Institute of Technology
Florida International University
Florida Southern University
Florida State University#
Franklin College (IN)
Franklin and Marshall College (PA)
Furman University (SC)
Gannon University (PA)
George Washington University (DC)
Georgia Institute of Technology#
Gettysburg College (PA)
Gonzaga University (WA)
Gordon College (MA)
Grinnell College (IA)
Grove City College (PA)
Guilford College (NC)
Hamilton College (NY)
Hampden-Sydney College (VA)
Hampton University (VA)
Hanover College (IN)
Harvey Mudd College (CA)
Haverford College (PA)
Hawai’i Pacific University
Hendrix College (AR)
High Point University (NC)
Hobart and William Smith Colleges (NY)
Hofstra University (NY)
Hollins University (VA)
Hood College (MD)
Hunter College of the City University of New York
Illinois Institute of Technology
Indiana State University
Indiana University at Bloomington
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Iona College (NY)
Ithaca College (NY)
James Madison University (VA)
Johns Hopkins University (MD)
Juniata College (PA)
Kalamazoo College (MI)
Kenyon College (OH)
Kettering University (MI)
King’s College (PA)
Knox College (IL)
La Roche College (PA)
La Salle University (PA)
Lafayette College (PA)
Lake Forest College (IL)
Lawrence University (WI)
Lehigh University (PA)
Lemoyne College (NY)
Loyola University of Chicago (IL)
Loyola University of Maryland
Loyola University of New Orleans (LA)
Lycoming College (PA)
Lynn University (FL)
Macalester College (MN)*
Marist College (NY)
Marlboro College (VT)
Mary Baldwin College (VA)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mercer University (GA)
Merrimack College (MA)
Messiah College (PA)
Miami University of Ohio
Middlebury College (VT)
Monmouth University (NJ)
Montclair State University (NJ)
Mount Holyoke College (MA)
Nazareth College (NY)
New College of Florida
New York University
Niagara University (NY)
North Carolina State University
Northeastern University (MA)
Northern Arizona University
Northwood University
Occidental College (CA)*
Ohio Wesleyan University
Olin College of Engineering (MA)
Parsons School of Design of The New School University (NY)
Pitzer College (CA)
Point Loma Nazarene University (CA)
Pomona College (CA)
Presbyterian College (SC)
Providence College (RI)*
Radford University (VA)
Randolph College (VA)
Randolph-Macon College (VA)
Reed College (OR)*
Robert Morris University (PA)
Rochester Institute of Technology (NY)
Roger Williams University (RI)
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology (IN)
Rutgers University Camden (NJ)
Sacred Heart University (CT)
Saint Anselm’s College (NH)
Saint John’s College (MD and NM)
Saint John’s University (NY)
Saint Michael’s College (VT)
Saint Olaf College (MN)
Salve Regina University (RI)
Samford University (AL)
San Diego State University (CA)
Sarah Lawrence College (NY)
Scripps College (CA)
Seton Hall University (NJ)
Shepherd University (WV)
Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
Simmons College (MA)
Soka University of America (CA)
Spelman College (GA)
Stanford University (CA)*
State University of New York College at Geneseo
State University of New York College at Purchase
State University of New York University at Albany
State University of New York University at Buffalo
Stony Brook University (NY)
Susquehanna University (PA)
Swarthmore College (PA)
Syracuse University (NY)
Taylor University (IN)
Temple University (PA)
Texas Christian University
Texas Lutheran University
Texas Tech University
The Citadel (SC)
Trinity College (CT)
Trinity University (TX)
Tufts University (MA)
Union College (KY)
Union College (NY)
United States Air Force Academy (CO)
United States Coast Guard Academy (CT)
United States Merchant Marine Academy (NY)
United States Military Academy (NY)
United States Naval Academy (MD)
University of Arkansas
University of Central Florida
University of Chicago (IL)
University of Colorado
University of Connecticut
University of Denver (CO)
University of Florida
University of Georgia
University of Idaho
University of Illinois*
University of Mary Washington (VA)
University of Maryland Baltimore County
University of Maryland College Park
University of Massachusetts Amherst
University of Miami (FL)
University of Michigan*
University of New England (ME)
University of New Haven (CT)
University of New Mexico
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
University of North Carolina Charlotte
University of North Carolina Greensboro
University of North Florida
University of Pennsylvania
University of Portland (OR)
University of Puget Sound (WA)
University of Rhode Island
University of Rochester (NY)
University of Saint Thomas (MN)
University of South Florida
University of Tampa (FL)
University of Tennessee
University of the South (Sewanee) (TN)
University of Tulsa (OK)
University of Virginia
University of Washington
Ursinus College (PA)
Valparaiso University (IN)
Vassar College (NY)
Villanova University (PA)
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech)
Wabash College (IN)
Wagner College (NY)
Wake Forest University (NC)
Warren Wilson College (NC)
Washington and Jefferson College (PA)
Washington State University
Washington University in Saint Louis (MO)
Webb Institute (of Naval Architecture) (NY)
Wesleyan University (CT)
West Virginia University
Western New England College (MA)
Westmont College (CA)
Wheaton College (IL)
Wheeling Jesuit College (WV)
Whitman College (WA)
Willamette University (OR)
William Paterson University of New Jersey
Williams College (MA)
Winthrop University (SC)
Wofford College (SC)
Xavier University (OH)
*-- indicates that college does not recompute composite but will consider all subscores from any test dates sent
#-- indicates that college will super-duper score, combining best subscores from BOTH SAT AND ACT submitted (we really love these schools)
Information to compile this list has been gleaned from past lists; other individuals and organizations that keep track of such information; college websites; and on occasion, individual contacts via email or telephone. If there is an inaccuracy or omission that you spot, please contact us and we will amend the list. Special thank to Cigus Vanni for compiling this list and allowing it to be shared.