One-on-One Academic Tutor in Florida
Whether a student is falling behind in school or wants to get ahead, our tutors in Florida have what it takes to make any student succeed.
Is your student falling behind? Or perhaps she wants to get ahead? At Score At The Top, miraculous turnarounds happen every day. Our expert academic tutoring programs provide students all of the tools they need to succeed. As a professional academic tutoring company, we combine three essential elements to achieve success: academic expertise, engaging professional tutors, and encouragement.
Encouragement - Sensitivity - Expertise
Seasoned tutors provide both the inspiration and knowledge your child needs to earn higher grades – and increase self-esteem and confidence. Our students average a full grade point higher after only a few months of tutoring. What’s the value of increased confidence derived from expert tutoring? Priceless.
Is your child working through the Florida Virtual School or another distance-education provider? Great! We provide top-notch tutoring for those programs as well.
Academic Tutoring Services Include:
AP Exam Crams
Each spring, we offer small, intense review sessions that prepare participants for the AP exams in May.
Generally, the review comprises two 3-hour meetings during which Score At The Top subject-area experts use real AP questions from past exams to provide a keen understanding of the test format and content, to help clear any points of ambiguity, and to polish the student’s skill set necessary for best results.
We also continue to provide flexible one-on-one preparation when a group for a particular exam is not available.
To get started, call (844) GET-1600 or request a consultation using the form below.