When Less Is More: A Smart Approach to College Testing
For most high school juniors, the spring semester is a busy season filled with events and exams. Often, students are beginning to make college plans that include scheduling the SAT test registration and/or ACT test registration, even in this "test-optional" era. The process of registering for one of these tests is easy enough: go to CollegeBoard.org or ACT.org, and click on the test registration link. Answer a few questions, ask for Mom and dad's credit card, and you're all set. However, before you register for a test date, a few words of wisdom...
The Importance of Sharing Less Information
Our friends at **Compass Education Group** released an in-depth study on what information the ACT shares with colleges as part of your score report—a cautionary note to an otherwise routine task. Indeed, we have been offering similar guidance to our students for years: “less is more” when it comes to registering for a college admission exam.
As part of the SAT test registration process, both testing companies ask you to answer fairly detailed questions about race, language background, family, grades, college preferences, and coursework. While these questions are labeled as optional, many students answer them, thereby sharing a wealth of data with the testing agency—and with the colleges to which you send score reports!
Colleges also use your responses to sell (the word they use is “license”) your contact information to colleges who spend millions of dollars mailing their marketing materials to potential students who meet the criteria they’re seeking.
If you choose to answer these questions, consider their necessity and remain mindful of your responses. Colleges don’t indicate how this information is used – if at all – in the application process, but you certainly don’t want to give them any information that wouldn’t be used in your favor. Make this your mantra: “less is more.”
woman hiding her identity
The Hidden Impact of Score Report Choices
Likewise, you’re faced with a similar decision when asked to list the colleges to which you want to send free score reports. Sounds like a great deal, right? Save a little money, get out your score reports promptly, no worries about missing deadlines.
But (and you knew there’d be a “but”), as with the self-reported information we discussed above, consider this offer carefully. First, you’ll be sending score reports without knowing your actual scores! Test-optional or not, you want to put your best foot forward.
Wait to get back your scores to determine if they’re good enough to send or if you want to test again. As long as you’re not taking the ACT as part of a state or district program, you can delete unwanted scores from your permanent record at ACT. This is not the case for the SAT, where scores may only be cancelled within four business days following the test.
Another caveat to these free score reports: when you sign up to send free ACT score reports, you will be asked to rank the order of the colleges – and colleges will see this ranking (note: they won’t see to which other schools you’re sending scores, only the ranking which you assigned to them, such as first, second, third, or fourth). Do you really want to tell a school that it’s NOT your first choice? Listing colleges to receive your scores this way gives them an idea about your priorities in terms of top-choice colleges and the environment you’re seeking.
Protect Your Personal Data and Test Scores
The moral of the story: keep your scores – and your personal information – to yourself, until you’re ready to share! You want to play your cards close to your chest, so to speak.
Be Mindful of Your Long-Term Strategy
Beyond just the test scores and personal data, there’s a broader strategy at play here. When you’re navigating the world of college applications, you can influence how schools perceive you. This means that being selective with the information you share can benefit you in the long run. Colleges, like many institutions, value applicants who demonstrate a clear sense of purpose and direction.
When you withhold unnecessary personal details and focus on delivering your best academic results, you’re sending a message: you’re serious about your education, and you’re strategic about how you present yourself.
There is no wisdom in waiting, colleges review applications on a first-come, first-served basis, and the early bird gets the worm. The only thing you can accurately say is that there is often time to submit additional scores while your essay is in review, if you plan on doing so, call the admissions department and speak with the admissions officer who reviews for your area (AOs review applications by geographic region so they get to know the high schools and can properly weigh a student in context).
Making the Most of Test-Optional Policies: A Strategic Approach
Colleges went test-optional in 2000, and since then, many have returned to testing and/or strongly advised testing. However, it’s still a question of when to submit. Our rule of thumb is if you’re in the mid-50%, you probably should submit, if you’re really close and the rest of your college application package looks really good, you should consider submitting, if you’re way below the mid-50% but have a great application package, don’t submit. Here’s how you can decide whether to submit your SAT or ACT scores smartly.
1. Know Your Scores
Take a good look at your SAT and ACT scores. If they’re solid and align with or exceed the average scores of the colleges you’re applying to, go ahead and send them. Strong scores can still help you stand out, especially at more competitive schools that value high achievers.
2. Check College Requirements
Even if a school is test-optional, some might still prefer or recommend scores for certain programs or majors. Make sure to do your homework on each college’s requirements. Submitting scores could also give you a shot at scholarships that you might otherwise miss out on.
3. Highlight Your Other Strengths
If your test scores don’t reflect your abilities, focus on the other parts of your application. You’ll want to showcase a strong GPA, well-written essays, and any leadership roles or activities you’ve taken part in. Without test scores, colleges will weigh these factors more heavily, so make sure they shine.
Need Expert Help?
Need help planning for junior and senior year testing, or advice on how to leverage your personal information to present yourself in the best manner possible? Give us a call! Our team of educational consultants and test prep experts are here to share our years of expertise.