Second Semester Checklist
The start of second semester means it’s time for you to create a plan that helps you maintain your best grades – and improve those mid-semester grades that were not stellar. The best way to start? Get organized! Here’s a checklist that’ll do two things for you: keep you going academically and ensure that you make the most of your extracurricular involvements. Because time is the one thing you don’t get more of, here’s your Plan to Achieve!
Get organized
Arrange your study space. Get rid of the clutter and distractions. Make sure you have the school supplies you need at or near your desk.
Clean out your backpack. Get rid of its crumbs, unneeded papers, and garbage.
Start an exam file: create notebooks for each subject. File the first semester tests, notes, and handouts you’ll need to review for finals.
Organize class syllabus documents for easy reference.
get organized for second semester
Use these easy “tools” to manage time and tasks
Post on your calendar all your regular activities for the week, month, and day.
Include wake-up time, after-school commitments, long-range assignment due dates, test dates, team practice schedule, study time, meaningful work or family obligations, and bedtime.
Always schedule first essential items like school and work responsibilities.
Schedule a few hours each week for exercise and for recreation with friends
Get a good night’s sleep.
Before you go to bed, lay out your clothes and backpack, and make a to-do list for the next day. Cross out completed items. Carry over unfinished items on your list to the next day’s to-do list.
Study Plan
Create a study schedule
Observe how long it takes you to complete tasks like writing an essay or studying for a history test.
Review your class notes nightly; write down questions you have or note concepts that you didn’t fully understand so you can ask your teacher for answers or clarification next time class meets.
Start your Quizlet, online flashcards, when you start a new topic. Begin with all of the terms listed in the glossary or in bold print in the chapter. Review the terms daily, instead of waiting for the night before the test.
Create a strategy to raise your grades. Your GPA is one of the most critical factors in college admission.
create a study schedule
Make at least one new friend
Build a relationship with someone who is currently “just an acquaintance.” It’s good practice for starting college and virtually all your friends will be new!
Drop Activities that Don't Serve You
Drop any club that doesn’t interest you or doesn’t complement either your academic interests or a specific passion or talent, or that takes too much time.
Participate in Help Sessions
Participate in each of your teacher’s help sessions before or after school.
Look for a Part-time Job
Begin looking for a part-time jobif you’re planning on getting one this semester. Colleges like students who work!
Make time for your family
They’re your best cheerleaders!
If you need help with subject tutoring or organization and study skills, call us.